If you're thinking: "Is the only exciting thing in Kylie and Garrett's life their garden???" then you would be correct! Just kidding-but sometimes it sure does seem like it! I actually picked these carrots last week. One of the carrots didn't look very "carroty" at all (as you will see from the pictures). In fact, it looked downright strange. I finally got enough courage to eat it, and it didn't even taste very carroty. It didn't taste bad, but just not like a carrot. More like a carrot crossed with a turnip or something like that. The other carrots looked and tasted like carrots though, just in case you were worried.
Right now, it is raining very steadily outside (as it has been all day), and I find myself grateful for the moisture that our corner of the desert has so desperately needed! The little garden out back is definitely getting all the water it needs!